Why Should You Care About the Yandex Leak? 👀

Posted by Anant February 13, 2023

When I’m wondering whether a topic’s worth talking about, there are two easy criteria I turn to. Either 1) everyone’s talking about it, or 2) a few very intelligent people are talking about it.

In this case, everyone’s talking about the Yandex leak, including some very intelligent people. Another good sign? Divided opinion. While some are saying this is not very relevant outside Russia, where Yandex wins out re: market share, others disagree.

Yandex is one of Google’s only analogs. We know that Google and Yandex both use PageRank mechanisms, and some very similar, or identical, text algorithms. There are some key differences that you should note. But still, when the Yandex code leaks and gives us the first-ever complete look into a major search algorithm, including all 1922 of its ranking factors, you’ve gotta take it seriously.

These threads (Pt. 1, Pt. 2) by @alex_buraks paint a nice picture. But here’s my quick summary:

3 Reasons Why The Leak Matters:

—> Search results on each are about 70% the same

—> SEO specialists in Russia use basically the same tactics for each

—> Yandex is full of former Google employees and was engineered to be a clone of Googlec

5 Confirmations That Matter From The Leak:

—> Traffic, and percent of organic traffic, are ranking factors

—> Age of links is a ranking factor, Last Update is a separate one

—> Numbers in URL & Numerous Backslashes are both bad for rankings

—> Backlinks from main pages are more important than from internal pages

—> Wikipedia matters: uplifting from Wikipedia is its own ranking factor, as is traffic that is directed from Wikipedia

These are just a few examples. Check the thread and/or the other links. Take a look for yourself.

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