Dmitry Dragilev Shares Secrets to Build a High-Traffic Startup from 0 to 40M Pageviews

Posted by Anant January 17, 2023

Dmitry Dragilev is the founder of a JustReachOut. In this episode he shares how he helped take a startup from 0 to 40M+ pageviews, which later got acquired by Google.


→ He is the founder of a JustReachout

→ How he helped take a startup from 0 to 40M+ page views

→ What is the hack he did to do that

→ How to get 60 leads in 24 hours with LinkedIn and a landing page

→ How to launch an online course and make $220,000 in ten days, and how does he do that

→ How to get 6.2 million page views and 144,000 followers, and how is that happen

→ His thoughts on Schreiber

→ And a whole lot more


Dmitry’s LinkedIn Profile



Bronson: Welcome to another episode of Growth Hacker TV. I’m Bronson Taylor and today I have Dimitri Dracula with us. Dimitri, thanks for coming on the program.

Dmitry: Thanks for having me. Good to be here.

Bronson: Absolutely. Now, Dimitri, you are a serious growth hacker. Two years ago, you joined the team at Polar and you helped them grow in scale. And since then, one and every 449 Internet users has used your tool, and you all were acquired by Google just two years after funding. So you have serious growth chops. And I know you have a lot to share with us. And you actually have kind of a top ten growth hacks thing that you’ve put together. Now we’re going to work through. But before we get into all that awesome stuff, I want you to tell our people about your company. Just reach out. Giorgio, because I actually think this product is something that the viewers of Growth Hacker TV should use and would love to use. So tell us about just reach out for a second.

Dmitry: Yeah. So well, yeah, about ten years ago. So I drove cross-country to Silicon Valley in hopes of finding a job at a startup. And I quit my high paying software developer job. And, you know, I drove cross-country. I couldn’t get a gig because I had no marketing chops at all because I was a software developer back then. And I started walking around saying, Look, startups need press coverage. They also need to be writing guest articles, and they also need to be on a daily basis giving infographics, data and stuff like that to journalists who want that stuff. Journalists seek that stuff. They want somebody to be their assistant. And so there’s no easy way for startups to do that and also entrepreneurs to do that. And so they have to hire these PR agencies that cost tens of thousands of dollars. And this just for postures is crazy. You can build a product, but you can’t email a journalist. It’s just insane. And so we decided to create a script that basically goes, crawls LinkedIn, Twitter and Google and tells you who you need to contact because they are seeking your type of expertize, your type of information, whatever you may have to share with them. It could be a piece of data that you might have, could be an infographic, could be something. So we actually learn a whole bunch about you as an entrepreneur. And then we learned a whole bunch more about journalists, influencers and bloggers. And so immediately I got my first gig within like a day or two showing that script to a startup. They’re like, Yeah, we want to we want to use this thing and can you help us run it? And so I just used that script pretty much for all my growth hacking and onwards. In the last ten years, I’ve worked with tons of startups, some of them to actually work wired one kind of early on in 2008 and this one quite recently and a couple of years ago. But yeah, basically just reach out. Helps you find journalists and influencers that Will are looking to write about you and contact them and build a relationship with them. It also gives you kind of the best pitch angles is gives you all the best information to use in terms of who they are. What kind of stuff do they like day to day? We use machine learning to kind of connect two. So yeah.

Bronson: I can I tell you, the quote of the episode is you can build a product, but you can’t email a journalist. That’s insane. I mean, it’s true.

Dmitry: Yes.

Bronson: It’s true. It’s crazy.

Dmitry: I thought it was insane like ten years ago. And PR industry’s like, we cost so much money by ten grand. It’s not you who is reaching out. It’s like somebody is doing on behalf of you. They don’t know you that well. So just an easy tool to do all this outreach for you and you don’t really want to bother with doing all the research and all the heavy lifting. You just want it to just go. And so.

Bronson: I think it’s a great.

Dmitry: Genesis for just pitching.

Bronson: Yeah, I think it’s a great tool. I think people are definitely going to use it. They’re watching the show. All right. Let’s jump into some growth hacks. This is what people want to hear. So let’s start with the first one, hack. Number one, how you took a startup from 0 to 40 million page views. So what was the hack you did to do that?

Dmitry: So it was basically the startup itself was a polling software startup, which is kind of a boring sort of you know, there’s tons of polling software.

Bronson: Sure.

Dmitry: Kind of sat there. And the idea was that like look at tech meme and look at the hottest breaking news and trying to figure out what type of polls will work really well in those articles and try and get those polls into those articles somehow either a link or an embed of that poll. And by that. So the methodology, you kind of gaining exposure for your software platform because people see your logo inside the poll or it’s quoted and then people come over to your website and they want to do the same. Now for publishers, it means more times and on their website, if it’s embedded because people end up reading the article and actually start voting on it and. For them, they might actually put up some actions on the poll itself, so they might be able to click over to another.

Bronson: So would they. And so after the article had already been released, they would go back to the poll.

Dmitry: So. So as the minute is released, we were there scouring the web, trying to find what is that article? So I was six versus seven. We had a whole icon by icon poll set and people comparing which icons they like. And we actually found people love iOS seven better than I was six, which was at the time a big deal because people were viewing iOS seven. They were saying it looks like Microsoft and people were not that happy with it. So as a while ago on PS4 came out with Xbox, that was a big battle. Two people are going back and forth. So we had polls in there. The CFO of PlayStation actually quoted our poll saying people prefer PlayStation over Xbox. It is kind of funny because like it wasn’t during an earnings call and then the information went out and we would put these polls in any article we can by contacting journalists and saying, look, we created a poll for you. We know that on average yields and a minute or 30 seconds per user spending on that article, would you like to have that? Would you like that? Just an add this poll in and if they didn’t want to add it in, we already had some data on the poll we sent and we’ll just quote it, just quote it and link up to it. And so that was sort of the easiest way to go around it. Yeah. If nothing if nothing, none of that worked out, then we would just comment on the article with a link to the poll saying Here’s what we found out about this topic. Yeah. And it could be anything. It would be. Your reaction on Snapchat being acquired by Facebook or could be some other news that was breaking? We had a poll on everything, everything, all the launches, galaxy and so forth. Every every piece of news that was tech that was hot. We had a poll on it and publishers really saw that like we tailored the tools to actually geared towards them. We’re like, Here’s how much more time people are spending on your website. That’s like ad dollars right there. So it really made sense to them and we just kicked it in overdrive. Just tons and tons and tons of pitching, tons and tons of more polls, more and more page views. And people want to add this to their page now. I mean, we have examples on our home page saying, look, here’s how it looks on MLB, here’s how it looks on 17 magazine. So we started putting these things afterwards, not in articles but also in the side, sort of like in the bar on the sidebar, like you probably seen on the home pages and stuff. And I just kicked up.

Bronson: Yeah, that’s awesome. All right. Hack number two and more.

Dmitry: But mainly using just reach out use that a lot throughout as just.

Bronson: No, that’s awesome. All right. However, to you know, we’re breaking up a little bit here. We’ll pull that together. How to get 60 leads in 24 hours with LinkedIn and a landing page. What’s the process there?

Dmitry: Yes. It’s pretty simple. What I do a lot is I do actually a lot of link and great reading. And I there’s another a number of cool tools that I use which we can talk about later that they do sort of lead generation with. So it actually goes through like say communication and PR and I want everybody who is communication PR guru because I’m going to be sending a cold email to them. And so it’s a scraper tool that gets their e-mail, their name and everything else about them. But it in Excel sheet and it just sits there and scrapes LinkedIn until it’s got 501,000 leave like that. So the idea here is simple in the sense that we want a piece of content that would attract people to us first, and then we would try and sell them on our service offering. And so what we created is we actually had a pretty decent article that was written for CEOs, and that’s our target demographic. And so we took that article and turned it into a white paper and we said, Look, we’ll give you sort of like the lead in on that white paper, but in order to get the rest of it, you got to give us your email address. We created a little website which basically all about this white paper and what it has in it. And I said, look, if you to download this white paper, here are the benefits and just give us your email, we’ll give it to you. So we put that together. And then what we said is I went to a CIO, sort of a group, the biggest CIO group on LinkedIn, and we sort of like made a deal with them and said, look, we have this new, new white paper and we’d love to for your for your audience to get access to it first. And, you know, if you can sort of like share it with, then we will appreciate it and return. We can sort of promote to our network and get you more CIO members. So we had our own sort of us customers and say, look, we’ll get them to join your group and produce interesting content for you. So they said, okay, we can do that. And so, you know, there’s like 300,000 or something people on this group and they had an email that went out to everybody with this white paper website. And so we had a bunch of CIOs that opted in to read the White Paper, and they actually reacted to it and they sent us some emails. And then we followed up with each and every one of them saying, Well, look, we see that you guys are doing X and we’re doing X. This might be a potential conversation starter. Are you at all interested in talking about it? The idea was just get a piece of content together that really, really engages people and put it in front of them somehow and try and get their email addresses that way. So looking at the CIO group, we were part of that CIO group. We could have used the scraper to try and just scrape the group and just get us the email addresses for each and every one of them, which is one way to do it. It’s a big cold email database, like 300,000 people. You’re going to start emailing them. It’s probably going to get some of these responding to you. But this way we sort of we didn’t have we had 24 hours and we wanted 60 leads. And so, you know, we the quicker way was just to share a white paper or have a bunch of people self often into getting this white paper. You’re reading the white paper by us, so that’s already a connection with us. And then they might react at the end of the White Paper, and those people who did react ended up actually becoming potential leads for the business.

Bronson: I love it. All right, hack number three, how to go from 700 to 3000 email subscribers in two months. What do you do there?

Dmitry: So there was a lot of it. So Brian from video for Brian Harris is I used a lot of his sort of hacks. So now Kagan and Brian Harris or like really good friends of mine and we were just catching up with know a couple or a month ago here in New York and I helped the app Sumo kind of get going, some of the first deals they were doing. But they sort of turned me on to this idea of, hey, collect emails of everybody who comes to your website. And my website never saw it was, it was a generic sort of like here you want some growth hacking consulting, contact me. Here’s what I’ve done. And I noticed that 97% of people came to my site just left. Like, they they checked it out, they read the stuff, they read my blog and then just left. And so I said, look, I want like 25% of people to give me their email address. And so what I ended up doing is printing sort of options for lead magnet opt ins on all my content and all my pages. And I turned my entire website into the blog and. Page has this capability of grabbing somebody’s email address in exchange for a lead man. Lead magnet is basically any type of an asset. It could be. It could be a PDF of white paper. It could be templates, email templates, best cold email samples that work for me could be a discount code from one of my courses. It could be a free course that I’m offering. But whatever it may be, it’s a it’s a free and it’s a sort of a and often. And so the idea was try and get 25% of all my traffic. THOMPSON So that drove some some traffic and some conversion into email subscribers. But to push it and take it into overdrive, what I did is I did a giveaway which was giving away a pretty much my service, my just reach out and also my courses and also my a year of my consulting for free. And the way the giveaway works is everybody who wants to increase their chances of winning it, they need to refer three people. And if they for a three people in, they get three more points and they get bumped up chances. And so the giveaway itself, you know, drives a lot of email subscribers. People are very incentivized and they want the prize. And so what we end up happening is, you know, a big bulk, like 1500 people of those 3000 probably came from a giveaway and they ran. They just started opting in. And I would end up doing is I ended up partnering with the Hustle, which is a magazine, online magazine, and they kind of partner and they promote it through their user base and I promoted through mine and so I got even more people onto that email list. So it’s a giveaway with sort of the best approach. But the more there, it was a quick one, right? And then the more sustainable long term one was sort of putting lead magnets and all your pages and all your content. So if you’re writing a blog post, make sure you kind of think through, you know, what is going on, which calls to action are going to be in there. What are you going to be giving away? Is it like some kind of template? Is it something that’s very actionable for people who are reading your they want to know more about? So and on average, 20, 25% of people who come to any of my Web pages end up giving me their email. So.

Bronson: So it’s work now is your goal. That’s. I love it. Yeah. All right. Hack number four, how to launch an online course and make $220,000 in ten days. Yeah. How do you do that?

Dmitry: Well, Brad Harris was kind of like the sum of the sum of the aspiration for that one. He spent a lot of time building the course, of course. And the idea was that, look, you have a blog and a lot of times you don’t know how to monetize that blog. You have a bunch of content you don’t really know how to monetize in content. For example, you know, you guys have a great monetization platform there with growth hacking TV. People want access to these interviews and they may end up paying. But if you wanted to create a course of all this, you can kind of survey and try and understand in terms of analytics, what is the content that’s most sought after in terms of all your episodes and what is on your blog? If you had a blog dedicated that’s just not non video podcast, but mainly just writing the blog posts. If you had just textual content content, which are the pages and the most visited and most spent, most pages that have the most time spent on them. And once you identify those pages, that’s an indication of the content that your audience is seeking and wants the most. Because that’s the case. You can start putting together a course around that topic. You can do a lot more serving of your audience, but then gives you a pretty good indication of what it may be. And so from that, you start creating, of course, and as you creating validating it with the with audience who are reading your stuff, consuming it, make sure that you’re on the ball with that. The content really suits what they want. You create one version of the course which is completely free, which you give away, and you create another one which is a paid version, and then you pay another one. What’s like the premiere top tier professional tier one? So it’s sort of like a natural upgrade path. Then you have your email subscribers, so you have your 3000 subscribers, which we talked about before, and you launch the free course to them, make sure that it’s designed in the way where the natural upgrade path from the free one to the middle tier to the top tier. So they get a little information with a free one, but they want more and so they upgrade and they get another one and then they upgrade and they do another one to power that out because you only have 3000 members say, right, you. Create an affiliate program with bloggers who have email lists, who want to earn a little money. Who say, Look, email for me and I will give you some money for it. So you guys are pretty familiar with it in your other ventures. But I mean, it works really simple is like people have email lists and they have blogs and they have no time to dedicate to how to monetize those email lists. One way is to create a whole video course like we’re talking about now, but it requires a lot of time and effort. If I could send an email out to my email list and make a few hundred bucks or make a few thousand dollars and not do a thing, I might do that because I’m busy. And so it’s a matter of just finding people that do that. And there’s a whole bunch of tools that can help you do that. But, you know, to to sell your course, you need a successful affiliate program that is pretty simple to set up and use to contact people who have these lists. And you talk to them and see if they’ll email for you for this course. What I recommend doing is you do a webinar with them with that audience. First the audience gets to know you better. You sort of take everything that you have in your course and you try to talk about it during that webinar, and then afterwards you sell the sell the course with them and your own audience as well. You have your own audience, your email list of your own audience. You know, you may do some advertising where you sort of take two or three episodes or not episodes, but two or three portions of parts of your course. And you just put it up on Facebook and you give it away for free. A lot of people do that when they they sort of find a lookalike audience, people who visited their website. So like you’re doing a retargeting lookalike audience type of campaign and you’re using native Facebook video of your own course and you just take like a quarter of your course, put it up there in a sequence manner where if they watch one, they would see the other part and another one, another one only if they’ve seen the ones before. And now you’re essentially giving away part of a course for free, a taste of it and the end of it. You always say it’s an ad basically mean if you want the full thing, go ahead and buy it. And so that’s one way to kind of improve that. But all those activities and our affiliate marketing where our affiliate program where a bunch of bloggers email for you for the course, this type of Facebook advertising, your own email list is how you’re going to sort of promote the course and to make it, you know, you’re going to analyze and make sure that you’re the content that is most consumed on your website and your blog or your podcast is what you focus on your course about.

Bronson: Yeah, it’s all about the environment.

Dmitry: Yeah.

Bronson: So that’s that’s the gist of it. All right, pack number five. And we’re going to speed up a little bit going through these because I want to get them all in. I don’t want to leave any out. Number five, how I got 6.2 million page views and 144,000 followers. So how is that happen?

Dmitry: Well, yeah, Ali, it was kind of like the genesis for this one. And he I guess, I mean, there’s a lot of things that he did in terms of PR outreach and timing it just right when he wrote the article. But there’s a lot of analysis that he talks about in this article that we connected with him about. The one thing that I would say is figuring out an article that speaks to the audience of all these blogs is probably the best way to do it. So when you write in the article, you’re always trying to think, what is my launch plan going to be? And so in his case, it was a topic that was highly sought after, but it was mostly information that was ranking high on Google for that topic was rather dated. And so what he did is he sort of wrote an article and then he knew who’s linked to previous articles in a similar fashion or similar type of articles. So he knew who to go to to get some initial juice and promotion out of it. What he did a lot of is reposting, so he contacted a lot of big publications and asked them to repurpose the article, which worked really, really, really well for him. His promotional plan was just just an outstanding promotional plan in terms of getting this biggest article featured on a whole bunch of other publications and so forth. But yeah, it’s, it’s, it’s a lot to delve into just in that small set of time.

Bronson: And it’s the idea of, you know, leveraging other people’s audience. It’s not about building it all yourself. And that one, it’s about, like you said, with the affiliate in the course of. The last one about really leveraging someone else’s audience and just promoting it on guest blogs. All right. Hack number six, 36,000 readers and a thousand email subscribers from one blog post.

Dmitry: Yeah. Yeah. And so that kind of goes back into the the 3000 to 7000 hack where it wasn’t quite from one blog post and the first one from this one it was. And the idea is like if a blog post is performing insanely well, your job is to optimize that blog post to get the most email subscribers out of it. And that’s really important. And a lot of people get, you know, they they don’t look at their page and see where it most traffic is going to. Which page specifically within your website is getting the most traffic. And that page may not be optimized to get you most leads. It might be some obscure blog post or some obscure interview you did. And so it’s important to just analyze. You’re trying to see what is the most traffic page and how are you optimizing that page in order. In this case, it was email subscribers, but it might be, you know, optimized for something else and might be signups for your service might be something else. But that’s what I would kind of focus on is.

Bronson: Kind of like what you’re saying, digging into the data before creating a course. It’s like digging in the data of what’s already working and then working backwards to do the opt ins on those pages that are doing well. So what information you have and then working backwards sometimes not just always taking a stab at an unknown future.

Dmitry: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly. Just try and leverage all the information you got to kind of get to your goal.

Bronson: No, it’s awesome. All right. Hack number seven. How Udemy found their first 1000 instructors through cold emailing.

Dmitry: Yeah, so cold emailing is a big deal right now, so that’s why I wanted to touch back on. So a lot of times what I do right now is I you can just scraper and I use these guys on message. Suma They basically you can take typing communications PR and LinkedIn gives you a search results and it’s like 700,000 people. And that search result, you take that URL and you put it into the scraper tool message summa is a scraper and so sell hack you know Ryan was on the show that they cannot do that kind of stuff privately prospecting, right? Yeah. But what I like about Mass is soon as they go and they kind of just start scraping and taking those names, finding their email address and finding their title. And so will you to me is same type of deal where they they need a specific type of people and they needed to start cold emailing them. And so they use the tool similar to this where they would prospect them and they would create a prospect list. So this to literally you do nothing, you put in that URL and the thing just goes and start scraping LinkedIn. I’m sure it’ll be shut down pretty soon, but these things come and go. But you know, sell hand was shut down before too and they kind of resurface. So yeah, but there’s a number of tools out there. But what I love about this one just it sits there and it does its thing and and they might do 200 or 300 leads that are my leads. Like these are people who actually and do communications at startup. So they would just reach out. And so when they have them in their lead, I use something called reply app that I oh which is pretty cool service which lets you kind of create a campaign and target that specific demographic with different variants of cold emails. And then you set up a drip campaign, basically drip drip dot com or the all these services are very close that I chose great services. They’re all about the same. You have a stack of leads, you start sending out the drip campaign where you’re you’re trying to reach out. One thing that I would kind of do is I would try to personalize things a little more. So Bryan from video food has this thing. The hack would get nerdy data and nerdy data. What it does is actually you give it a block of code and it tries to find all the websites with that piece of code. So like for me, like everybody who is running HubSpot, for example, gives me an indication that, hey, they might need help with some of their blog stuff because they’re not you. They’re using HubSpot and they need some help. And so I might reach out and say, Hey, I noticed that you’ve been running HubSpot and all the version. And so it’s very easy for me to kind of kind of custom target that and sort of do a little bit more work for them. It serves as companies like I tell them, Hey, do a speed test on your website, on a website, and then send them a thing saying, Hey, I see that your speed test kind of failed and you’re not. I mean, index really? Well, here’s what to do really quick. By the way, we’re in i.t services company. Well, so it’s like that type of thing when you do cold email outreach but but yeah, cool. The email is a dear dear to my heart. Yeah, it works if it’s set up correctly and yeah, there’s a whole bunch of tools out there can help you with that.

Bronson: That’s awesome. All right, hack number eight, how PayPal achieves 7 to 10% daily growth and reached over 100 million users.

Dmitry: Yeah, well, PayPal, they did a lot of stuff. You know, it’s kind of an overused example, I guess. They’ve done their referral program and a lot of their initial success was due to that. But there’s also just a whole bunch of things they kind of engaged in in that article that I talked about, which helped sort of drive the initial strength of of use. But I think the referral program was probably some of the biggest highlight and highlight there.

Bronson: Yeah, that’s awesome. All right. Hack nine how Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn use onboarding to engage their users.

Dmitry: So like onboarding is really a big thing for just reach out as well when when the user comes in. Well I’ve seen a lot of people do is they just try and get just to sell them right away. And so they would say, look, sign up or here’s the big statement, sign up. And so people might want to player. I found that most people that play around a little bit, they might kind of understand the price a little more and become much more engaged. So as an example, for just retail, we don’t ask you to sign up. We get. You have to put in a term that describes what you do. And then we give you some journalists and we limit the number of journalists we show you who write about that term. And then we say, look, give us your email address. Don’t sign up, but give us your email address and we’ll show you the rest of these. And so people give us your email address. They get to see the whole list, and I will have their email address. And then we can ask tell them their tomorrow. Tomorrow, they are just saying, hey, here’s here’s more more journalists we found today or the day after. And then we can say, here are some of the best email templates and work for these journalists. And here’s their email address. So that type of lead nurturing is what a lot of these companies, like I mentioned Twitter, and they were they were sort of experimenting with this. How do you lead, nurture somebody through a process like that? You keep giving them more and more value without asking anything of them or too much of them. So the concept of a lead magnet is also kind of ingrained in all this. Like, look, you’re reading this content, do you want more? Do you want templates? Do you want extras? Do you want that discount on the course? Do you want something? Give us your email, we’ll give it to you kind of thing, and then afterwards try and sell them on a next thing like sign up and do this. We’re doing this right now with a client which is like we get the people to search a specific topic or something like that, and they’re doing a connection to a connection to where they let you find the relationship between somebody. So yeah, let you type in like I want an intro to Bill Gates and then it says, okay, click search. And it says, All right, now to do to finish this process, give us your or whatever.

Bronson: So yeah, no it’s awesome. Just, you know, it’s it’s the drug to their model. Get them hooked, give them something and then, you know, sell more later. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then the last I hack number ten is actually kind of a collection of mini hacks, little things you can do. A lot of people know about these, but they still, you know, help. One of them was comment on Quora, SlideShare and blogs. So I’m assuming just comment with backlinks to your stuff all over the web, right? Yeah.

Dmitry: I use it to calibrate for it, calibrate that. I own it pretty often, pretty good in terms of finding places where you should be participating. I answer all my quarter stuff and a quarter is pretty good because they email you about the topics that you check that and experts. So I’m checked in as a PR expert and growth hacker and cold emailing, that kind of stuff. So anytime there’s a cold emailing discussion or if there is some PR discussion, I get an email saying, Hey, can you answer this question? And that helps me so much because when I comment on those questions, I actually get paying customers come in, use, just reach out because they they see, you know what I do and they are interested in my in my answers and it’s very on topic same caliber. You kind of does it for everything does Quora and Twitter and blogs and and then you can Pinterest board whatever it may be. If the topic is on, then it’s sites. You should be commenting on it. And so yeah, I do this daily and I think a lot of people in Q&A on LinkedIn and just anywhere that you think is a good area and people are talking about what you know about you should be leaving your opinion on Reddit sometimes, too.

Bronson: Absolutely. And then you also say add hello bar and X and intent to your website. Again, you know, we know about these things, but just, you know, a helpful reminder, you know, hello bar gets you a lot of opt ins. Exit intent brings people back in when they’re trying to leave your site. And there’s so much you can do there that people definitely should. Here’s what I want you to touch on. I don’t think a lot of people know about Pay for Schreiber influencers. So what is Schreiber?

Dmitry: Well, this is just a community where people basically share the best content between popular bloggers, influencers share the best content with each other and their audiences. And it’s takes a while to get in there and become an influencer and grow your audience. But I’m pretty successful with just having people promote my my stuff on the community, which I’ve known people on Fiverr that are just community members that promote my stuff and I get spikes in traffic from it as trend of the few people who are actually part of the community now, they’re either bloggers or influencers. So just another little amplification kind of effect where your content gets you more email subscribers.

Bronson: Yeah, well, I mean, this has been awesome to meet you going through all this stuff. It’s one of those things like this is an interview is drinking from a fire hydrant. There’s so much there. We went over a lot of different topics. We didn’t go super in-depth, but it gave people a lot of ideas that they. About what they might want to attack for their next growth hacks. So I like doing episodes like this every once in a while where it’s just kind of like, Here’s ten things to think about. And I know that if anybody listens to the episode, they’re going to walk away saying, All right, I need to do hack number or whatever and whatever. Like, I need to try those. Let’s go see what I can make happen.

Dmitry: I mean, yeah, I.

Bronson: Know about all these things, but it’s like just having the conversation. I’m. I remember. Oh, yeah, I should do more of that one, you know. And so thanks for just going through this with us. I have two last questions for you, and these are the questions I ask everybody at the end. They’re just kind of fun. The first one is, what are you working on right after this interview? Whether it’s boring or awesome. As soon as you close the laptop or as soon as you turn off the video or are you going to work on next?

Dmitry: I have to reach out to a couple of investors for just reach out to actually respond to two of them to like redo my back a little bit and send it to them basically.

Bronson: It’s good they are responding to them. That means they wrote something to you. So as long as you got an investor writing something to you, you’re in a good spot. All right. And then the second question is, what is the best advice you have for any company that is trying to grow?

Dmitry: I guess the best company that’s trying to grow. Figure out what is your metric, what is your target metric? And really set the goal where you want to be and just pay attention to that one number. Don’t get lost in all this. A piece of stats and metrics. I would kind of focus on one number and one number only and just care about that going forward. Don’t don’t make it too complex if it’s, you know, paying customers that paying customers, if it’s number of email subscribers, it’s email subscribers. But just and then I would actually post that number, look at it every day. Like every new time I open on my browser shows me that number and it shows me how I’m doing reaching that number every day. So I see that number maybe like 100 times a day, maybe 50 times, and I.

Bronson: Love that idea. I’m going to do that.

Dmitry: Yeah, I use Brian Harris’s blog and actually it’s pretty good. The video feed has a plugin called This Goal. It’s like.

Bronson: I need to check that out. I haven’t seen that yet. That’s a good idea, though. I think about what you just said, kind of the one metric that matters. It’s sort of like a sporting event. You know, you watch a basketball game, there’s one metric that matters. That’s how many points you have. There’s a lot of other stats that you can look at rebounds, you know, assists, steals, whatever. But end of the day, it’s just the score that matters and everything else is just a detail to help you get that score. And so I like the idea because, you know, you’re sitting in a sporting event, everyone knows. Look at the scoreboard, look at that one number. It’s simple. You know who’s winning, who’s losing, you know? Yeah.

Dmitry: Yeah. And that’s the basically the idea here is like it’s just people get lost in so many numbers that you Google Analytics, you’re like, oh, how much time are people spending on my site or and which articles are they reading or. Wow, they, they seem to be coming from iOS a lot. And you start paying attention to all these stats and all these things that are like how many pages that I get or how much traffic they get in. Like does it really matter? At the end of the day? It’s like for me, it’s like paying customers in like only paying customers ever getting.

Bronson: More people should have. That is the one metric paying customers. If paying customers isn’t your only metric, you got to ask yourself why.

Dmitry: Yeah, I mean, you can dig into others. This is the one that you care about is this one.

Bronson: Exactly. So, Dimitri, this has been awesome, man. Thanks again for coming on Growth Hacker TV and dropping all this knowledge on us.

Dmitry: Sure, no problem. It is a pleasure. Thanks for having me.

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